Mark Schweitzer, Pastor

Gospel Life Church is a Christ-Centered, Biblical, Relational, and Missional Community of Worship.
This church is being planted for the Glory of God and the Worship of Jesus Christ. Everything we do is to have for its aim the exaltation of Christ. Jesus is the central focal point that informs and motivates everything else we do. This overarching commitment clarifies our worship, our teaching, our gathering, and our message.
Our commitment to being Christ-Centered gets clear definition as we seek to faithfully apply the Bible to every area of the church and our lives. We are committed to the faithful exposition of the Biblical text. From our leadership structure, to our discipleship, to the songs we sing together, our goal is to be thoroughly Biblical.
When Christ changes people, He does not leave them to themselves but creates in them a community. The church will never be what God intended unless the people of the church live out life together. True discipleship happens life on life and is only possible as we seek to be a relational people.
The reason Christ left His people here on earth is so that we would be a faithful witness to the world in calling others to Him. The planting of this church is a missional endeavor, a characteristic that we joyfully embrace as we seek to further the Gospel both near and far.
Community of Worship
People gather around many vast and assorted things. The one unifying point of this new church plant is the Worship of God. We are not starting a club or a self help group, rather we are seeking to call men and women to believe the Gospel and to worship the One True and Living God in Spirit and in Truth.